  • Track: Sweet Forum

    Mon 06
    Workshop |

    Cereals as flavour

    06-11-2023 11:00 06-11-2023 11:45 Europe/Madrid Cereals as flavour Taller
    11:00h - 11:45h Taller
    Workshop |

    The memory of flavour: a journey through the sweet cuisine of Lucía Freitas

    06-11-2023 12:00 06-11-2023 12:45 Europe/Madrid The memory of flavour: a journey through the sweet cuisine of Lucía Freitas

    A tour through the sweet cuisine of Lucía Freitas, former student of Espai Sucre.

    12:00h - 12:45h Taller
    Workshop |

    Pastry with design, from idea to creation. 3D applied to patisserie

    06-11-2023 13:00 06-11-2023 13:45 Europe/Madrid Pastry with design, from idea to creation. 3D applied to patisserie

    A master workshop on the application of 3D in patisserie.

    13:00h - 13:45h Taller
    Jury deliberation |

    Tasting by the jury members

    06-11-2023 14:00 06-11-2023 15:30 Europe/Madrid Tasting by the jury members

    Prestigious members of the jury of the 8th ESPAISUCREThebestdessert23 competition will taste the dishes before making their final decision.

    14:00h - 15:30h Taller
    Award ceremony |

    ESPAISUCRETheBestDESSERT 23 Award & Pierre Gagnaire Award 23: Martín Berasategui

    06-11-2023 18:15 06-11-2023 19:00 Europe/Madrid ESPAISUCRETheBestDESSERT 23 Award & Pierre Gagnaire Award 23: Martín Berasategui

    ESPAISUCRETheBestDESSERT 23 Award to the best restaurant pastry chef chosen from the 6 finalists. The Pierre Gagnaire Special Prize will be awarded to Martín Berasategui.

    18:15h - 19:00h Auditori
    Tue 07
    Lecture |

    The Panettones of the World Cup Milan 2023

    07-11-2023 16:30 07-11-2023 17:30 Europe/Madrid The Panettones of the World Cup Milan 2023

    Ton Cortés (Cloudstreet Bakery, Barcelona), José Manuel Marcos Candela (Crujiente, Redován) and Rafel Aguilera (Cal Jan, Torredembarra), participants in the Panettone World Championship by teams 2023, together with the group leader, Jose Romero (EPGB, Barcelona) will present the panettones for the Milan World Cup 2023. In collaboration with Escola de Pastisseria del Gremi de Barcelona.

    16:30h - 17:30h Taller
    Lecture |

    The sweet cuisine

    07-11-2023 17:45 07-11-2023 18:30 Europe/Madrid The sweet cuisine

    Two great masters of patisserie will reveal the secrets of haute chocolaterie. In collaboration with Valrhona.

    17:45h - 18:30h Auditori
    Award ceremony |

    Best Artisan Panettone and Best Chocolate Panettone of Spain Awards 2023

    07-11-2023 18:30 07-11-2023 19:00 Europe/Madrid Best Artisan Panettone and Best Chocolate Panettone of Spain Awards 2023

    The awards for the Best Artisan Panettone in Spain 2023 Competition will be awarded: Best Classic Panettone (VIII edition) and Best Chocolate Panettone (III edition) organised by the Escuela de Pastelería del Gremio de Barcelona.

    18:30h - 19:00h Auditori
    Wed 08
    Presentation |

    The Baker, award for excellence in the bakery industry. Presentación del concurso, finalistas y miembros del jurado

    08-11-2023 16:00 08-11-2023 16:30 Europe/Madrid The Baker, award for excellence in the bakery industry. Presentación del concurso, finalistas y miembros del jurado

    Presentation of the competition, finalists and members of the jury

    16:00h - 16:30h Taller
    Award ceremony |

    The Baker, award for excellence in the bakery industry. The Baker Awards Ceremony

    08-11-2023 17:30 08-11-2023 18:00 Europe/Madrid The Baker, award for excellence in the bakery industry. The Baker Awards Ceremony

    The Baker awards ceremony.  

    With the aim of recognising and giving prestige to the profession of baker, this competition will reward the professional who demonstrates the best mastery in the execution of different bakery and pastry techniques, contributes new ideas for the application of bakery products in gastronomy, considers the nutritional area, demonstrates qualities in the business and professional management of a bakery business and contributes to the social dissemination of the culture and values of bakery. In collaboration with the Baking School Sabadell of the Gremi de Flequers de la Província de Barcelona.

    17:30h - 18:00h Taller